Monday, August 18, 2008

And it all begins. . .

Today was registration at school. Many of the kiddos came in today and they were excited to be starting tomorrow. When I say excited I mean hugging the teacher excited. Big boys hugging the teacher excited. Now, I am sure that will last all of 3 days but we will take it as we get it. I have to admit, I am kind of glad they are coming back tomorrow. Because, you know, if I have to be back then they should have to come back also!

I have finally come to terms with the fact that I can no longer be an early bird and a night owl. Since I have to be at school on time, looks like the owl is out of the picture!


Meredith said...

I got your comment. That is so sweet, Anna!

Ben said...

I used to hate getting up in the mornings ( I am sure you remember). I feel like an 80 year old woman hobbling through the house in the mornings. I cannot sleep late anymore. Cannot stay up late, either!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. My little girl just started school yesterday and I'm the one struggling in the morning. I can feel your pain.